"Considering we're being fully open about the fact Vortex will have bugs and is not in a feature complete state, do you really want to be using the software in this state? Are you going to get upset if it does not function properly or creates issues that mean playing your game is not possible until Vortex is updated or until you fix things manually? If so, this is NOT the right time for you to be using Vortex as your mod manager. We think it will get there in the not too distant future, but it's not there yet." We're not recommending anyone fully switch to Vortex from their current mod management tools. "Does Vortex replace NMM/MO/my current mod manager?

What unsettles me though is the fact, that on the vortex page on NM ( ) it sais: You have to use Vortex now, and instructions are only available for Vortex. We can always suggest people to give MO, TMM, Wrye or w/e else a try, but not tell them to switch to MO because of own opinions. So there is a learning curve when using MO and how steep this curve is differs for everyone. Despite that, MO is more prone to errors and even game crashes then NMM.

If I browse thorugh the tutorials here, it sais: Don't use NNM its too old. MO came after NMM, so MO is 'another' mod manager. So what i want basically, is a mod managing platform that is as dummy-proof as possible. I have modded Skyrim with NNM in the past, but that was 5 years ago. I currently want to get started with modding my brand new Skyrim VR. I am a bit confused over the right modding platform for Skyrim VR.